InfuseSync for Emby and Jellyfin

  • Updated


InfuseSync is a plugin for Emby and Jellyfin media servers that tracks all media changes to decrease sync times when using Library Mode in Infuse.

The current version of InfuseSync is: 1.5.1

The InfuseSync plugin is not used or needed when using Direct Mode.

Installing on Emby

1. On the Emby server, navigate to the Plugins section in the Settings area, select the Catalog option and browse (or search) for the InfuseSync listing.


Plugin catalog

2. Ensure the latest version is selected from the list, and click the Install button.


InfuseSync install.png

3. After the installation is complete, restart the server to activate the plugin.

Installing on Jellyfin

1. On the Jellyfin server, navigate to the Plugins section in the Settings area and select the Repositories option.

Jellyfin repositories.png

2. Tap the + sign at the top to add a new entry

Jellyfin add repo.png

3. In the New Repository prompt, enter the following and click Save.

Repository Name


Repository URL

Jellyfin new repo.png

4. Navigate to the Catalog section in the Plugins menu, and browse (or search) for the InfuseSync listing.


5. Ensure the latest version is selected from the list, and click the Install button.

Jellyfin install.png

6. After the installation is complete, restart the server to activate the plugin.


InfuseSync is open source, and licensed under the GPL 3.0 license.

The source code is available on GitHub.

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