Library Scanning & Indexing

  • Updated


Infuse features a set of powerful scanning and indexing features that work together to present files in an organized and visually pleasing manner. An array of settings are available to fine-tune how this works.

These setting do not apply to Emby, Jellyfin, or Plex connections.

Metadata Fetching

By default, Infuse will work to match videos in your library to movie and TV show titles found on The Movie Database (TMDB). Information including title, description, cast information, poster artwork, landscape (fanart) artwork, and database IDs (for integration with other services such as Trakt and OpenSubtitles) will be downloaded automatically.

To get the most accurate matches it is best to use one of the recommended file naming styles.

If the rare event the correct title is not found automatically the Edit Metadata option can be used to search for the correct match manually.

Avoid Matching Certain Files or Folders

If there are certain videos (such as home movies, tutorials, sample videos, etc...) that Infuse should not match to titles found on TMDB, these can be excluded from the scanning process. This can be set globally for all files, for a specific folder, or for individual files. More information on the options can be found here.

Infuse does not collect or share any personal or identifying information about your library or files as part of the matching process.

Embedded Artwork

If you want Infuse to make uses of artwork contained within your video files the ’Prefer Embedded Artwork’ option found in Infuse > Settings > General can be enabled.

Having both the ‘Metadata Fetching’ and ‘Prefer Embedded Artwork’ options enabled at the same time will allow Infuse to use any embedded artwork it finds and then use artwork from TMDB to fill in any missing gaps.

Other Library Scanning Options

For each file source (share) a number of options are available which can be adjusted to customize how Infuse scans the files located there. These options can impact the speed of scanning and browsing and also affect how files and folders are presented in Infuse.

These options can be found under the ‘Advanced’ tab when editing details for a saved network share.

Pre-Cache Details

This setting will determine whether or not Infuse performs a deep scan of Library files as part of the indexing process. The deep scan process will fetch and store details such as runtime, codec info, and other file specs for videos in the Library.

When enabled: Infuse will work to fetch details for all videos so they are ready and waiting. This will require longer library indexing times.

When disabled: Infuse will fetch these detail on-demand while browsing. This will allow for shorter library indexing times.

Due to API request limitations this is disabled by default for all cloud services (Dropbox, Google Drive, Aliyun Drive, etc...).

Pre-Cache Artwork

This setting will determine whether Infuse downloads poster and fanart images as part of the indexing process.

When enabled: Infuse will work to fetch artwork for all videos so they are ready and waiting. This will require longer library indexing times and use more on-device storage.

When disabled: Infuse will fetch artwork on-demand while browsing. This will allow for shorter library indexing times and use less on-device storage.

Smart Folders

‘Smart Folders’ is a feature which allows a folder to be ‘flattened’ and displayed as a playable item instead of a regular folder. This can be useful if movies are organized into individual folders with video, artwork, metadata, and subtitles files inside. However, it can lead to longer load times when opening larger folders.

Learn more about Smart Folders

Recommended Settings

Individual preferences can vary depending on the situation, but below is an overview of the recommended settings based on specific goals.

I browse directly via folders and want to have the fastest possible browsing experience

  • Metadata Fetching = ON
  • Prefer Embedded Artwork = OFF
  • Smart Folders = OFF
  • Pre-Cache Details = ON or OFF
  • Pre-Cache Artwork = ON

I browse via the Library and want to have the shortest possible indexing times

  • Metadata Fetching = ON
  • Prefer Embedded Artwork = OFF
  • Smart Folders = (does not apply)
  • Pre-Cache Details = OFF
  • Pre-Cache Artwork = OFF

I browse via folders or the Library and want to complete scanning all at once

  • Metadata Fetching = ON
  • Prefer Embedded Artwork = OFF
  • Smart Folders = (does not apply)
  • Pre-Cache Details = ON
  • Pre-Cache Artwork = ON

I want to limit the storage space used on my device

  • Metadata Fetching = ON
  • Prefer Embedded Artwork = OFF
  • Smart Folders = (does not apply)
  • Pre-Cache Details = OFF
  • Pre-Cache Artwork = OFF

Related Guides

Setting Up Your Library

Overriding Artwork and Metadata

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