Overriding Artwork and Metadata

  • Updated


In some cases it may be useful to add your own metadata and artwork for specific titles. This may be the case when you want to see a specific image, or add details for things like home videos.

Favorite Artwork

Custom artwork can be set for favorites by adding an image inside the folder based favorite.

Apple TV

  • favorite-atv.jpg (or png) - 1920 x 1080px recommended size

On Apple TV, favorite artwork can also be selected by long-pressing on a favorite icon and choosing the 'Select Favorite Artwork' option.


  • favorite.jpg (or png) - 1000 x 1500px recommended size

Folder Artwork

Custom artwork can be set for folders by adding an image inside a folder.

  • folder.jpg (or png) - 1000 x 1500px recommended size

Movie Artwork


Appears on home screen and in grid and list views

To override, place an image with the same name alongside the video file.



Appears on details page and Up Next list.

To override, place an image with the same name + 'fanart' text alongside the video file.



Appears on details page.

To override, place an image with the same name + 'logo' text alongside the video file.

Inception-2010-logo.png (or Inception-2010-clearlogo.png)

TV Show Artwork

Overriding series/season artwork is available when episodes are organized into folders by season (Series Name/Season X/episodes.mkv).

E.G. Breaking Bad/Season 1/Breaking Bad S01E01.mkv

Usage details

Episode image
seriesname/season 1/episodefilename.jpg

Season poster
seriesname/season 1-poster.jpg

All Seasons poster

Series poster (available only while using Library)

Series fanart

Series logo
seriesname/logo.png (or clearlogo.png)

Overriding series/season artwork is not possible when using some streaming connections, including: Google Drive, OneDrive, Box, pCloud, Aliyun Drive, Baidu Cloud Drive, 115 Cloud Drive, and 123 Cloud Drive.

Recommended poster size 1000 x 1500px, (1:1.5 ratio). Recommend landscape image size is 1920 x 1080px or 3840 x 2160px (16:9 ratio).

Movie Metadata

Textual metadata can also be added manually through the use of XML or NFO files. These files can be created using software like tinyMediaManager and the most common tags will be supported in Infuse.


To override for a movie, place an XML/NFO file with the same name alongside the video file.



TV Show Metadata

Using local metadata to manually organize and group TV episodes is not supported at this time, but may be added in a future update. For now, it is recommended to keep the ‘Metadata Fetching’ option (found in Infuse > Settings > General) enabled and use one of the recommended TV show file naming styles. This will allow these items to be matched and grouped using information from TMDB.

Overriding metadata and artwork is not available when connecting via UPnP or DLNA.

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