Archivos STRM

  • Actualización

Visión general

A STRM file is a versatile format which can be used to build of library of lightweight text files, each containing an HTTP link to a video file stored elsewhere. This works similarly to the Direct URL feature, but allow for links to be added without having to copy/paste them into Infuse.


Cree un archivo de texto normal y cambie la extensión .txt por .strm. Then using a text editor application (like TextEdit on Mac or Notepad on Windows) enter the the direct URL link of the video file.


Archivos de vídeo normales

Nombre del fichero


Contenido del fichero

Archivos de vídeo ISO

Nombre del fichero


Contenido del fichero

The naming style of the .strm file should follow the recommended naming styles to ensure the appropriate movie or TV show details can be fetched from TMDB.

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